Sony Ericsson W995
Sony Ericsson W995 belongs to Walkman Series of Mobile phones and it's a high-end music slider phone.It comes with such great features like text-messaging, contacts, wallpaper, display, settings, calculator etc. This handset is best for photography and video. It has also included YouTube and Picasa applications.
W995 adds richness to your entertainment! The main feature of W995 is the perfect 8.1-Megapixels camera with autofocus.It has also TurboG features and Wi-Fi device assist easy access to YouTube and quite a few other entertainment sites.The Sony Ericsson W995 comes with 118 megabytes of internal memory plus memory card slot.
The new Sony Ericsson W995 Red unlocked simfree mobile phones are available in Prepaymania now!
It has nice features & best for photography and video.This is the site which provides the unlocking code and instructions for mobiles.
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