iPhone 3GS 32GB is more than just a phone. It combines three devices in one: a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod and a breakthrough Internet device. All that, and more, makes it the best phone you’ll ever use. With the Multi-Touch interface on iPhone 3GS, you can make a call simply by tapping a name or number in your contacts or favourites list, your call log, or just about anywhere. Visual Voicemail lets you select and listen to messages in whatever order you want — just like email. iPhone uses fast 3G and Wi-Fi wireless connections to deliver rich HTML email, Maps with GPS, and Safari — the most advanced web browser on a mobile device. It has Google and Yahoo! search built in. And since iPhone multitasks, you can make a phone call while emailing a photo or surfing the web over a Wi-Fi or 3G connection.
Available NOW in iPhone 3GS 32GB White & iPhone 3GS 32GB Black colours. iPhone 3GS 16GB Black also in stock. Get them at a very affordable price at PrePayMania.
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